Pre Session Workout!

Gorge Park Pavilion 1070 Tillicum Rd., Victoria

Get you energy up and join Justina Bailey for a morning workout before you start your day!

Assessment of Pain Mechanisms

Gorge Park Pavilion 1070 Tillicum Rd., Victoria

Learn the essential client assessments to understand their specific pain triggers and develop the most appropriate exercise approach as a result. Back pain is all specific, and gaining a deeper … Continued

It’s All About the Bands

Gorge Park Pavilion 1070 Tillicum Rd., Victoria

Resistance Bands are a great addition to any strength training routine or rehabilitation program and come in a variety of sizes, lengths, and strengths. This portable exercise equipment is also … Continued

Are you Overtraining or Under Recovering?

Gorge Park Pavilion 1070 Tillicum Rd., Victoria

This workshop will address the factors that can lead to “overtraining” and what you can do as a trainer to help maximize recovery in your clients. The S.A.I.D. principle, increasing … Continued

Winding the Pain Down

Gorge Park Pavilion 1070 Tillicum Rd., Victoria

Learn the spine sparing movement tools to coach your clients through to avoid their pain triggers and wind down their pain. Stability, mobility, pain-free movement patterns and appropriate resting positions … Continued

Flow with Ease

Gorge Park Pavilion 1070 Tillicum Rd., Victoria

A short lecture and movement based practice anchored in alignment and ease to help you cultivate a sense of grace and balance in both the mind and body connection. Flow … Continued

Getting the Maximus out of your Gluteus

Gorge Park Pavilion 1070 Tillicum Rd., Victoria

This workshop will look at the gluteal muscle group which is a key muscle group for core stability, lower body movement, aesthetics, and knee protection. This workshop will delve into … Continued

It’s the End of the R.I.C.E. Age!

Gorge Park Pavilion 1070 Tillicum Rd., Victoria

Yes, you read that right! Join André Noël Potvin for a groundbreaking lecture that challenges the widely accepted R.I.C.E. Treatment for injuries. Recent research has shown that this treatment may … Continued

Restoring Pain-Free Ability

Gorge Park Pavilion 1070 Tillicum Rd., Victoria

Once your clients have successfully reduced their pain, they are ready to train again. Learn the progressions and special considerations while developing and coaching a specific program for your client … Continued

“C’mon Baby Lets do the Twist”

Gorge Park Pavilion 1070 Tillicum Rd., Victoria

Chubby Checker said it best! This workshop will go into the importance of assessing and addressing rotation. The transverse plane is where most people get injured but more importantly it … Continued